Międzynarodowe organizacje humanitarne działające na Terenach Okupowanych wezwały Izrael do ?natychmiastowego zaprzestania niszczenia cystern wodnych, z których korzystają palestyńskie społeczności?. Oto pełna treść ich oświadczenia

19 December 2012

Aid Agencies Call for Halt to Recurring Demolitions of Water Cisterns in Area C

Aid agencies are calling for an immediate end to demolitions of water cisterns belonging to Palestinian communities in the West Bank, which have been on steady increase in the past year. The recurring demolitions present a clear breach of International Humanitarian Law and undermine the sustainability of the communities that depend on them for survival.

The year 2012 ends with a somber record - just in its first 10 months, Israeli armed forces have destroyed 36 rainwater cisterns used by the Palestinian communities in the Area C of the West Bank, affecting over 1600 people, an increase from 34 cisterns destroyed in 2011. The communities whose cisterns were destroyed live unconnected to the water network and are forced to rely on rain harvesting and/or water purchases from vendors. Most of the communities that have been subject to demolition of cisterns reside in the vicinity of Israeli settlements and unauthorized outposts that enjoy a regular water supply.

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