Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Lil Nas X
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. CJ Rivera/Invision/AP
2 z 25
Met Gala 2023. Paris Hilton
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
3 z 25
Met Gala 2023. Gabrielle
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Kim Kardashian
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Rihanna
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Pedro Pascal
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Jared Leto
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Sora Choi
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. CJ Rivera/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Carla Bruni
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Mary J. Blige
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Dua Lipa
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Florence Pugh
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Amy Fine Collins
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Kendall Jenner
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Penelope Cruz
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Kristen Stewart
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Miuccia Prada
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. David Byrne
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Jeremy Strong i Emma Wall
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. CJ Rivera/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Richie Jackson i Jordan Roth
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Finneas i Billie Eilish
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. CJ Rivera/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Ashley Graham
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Pierce Brosnan i Keely Shaye Smith
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Harvey Guillen
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Fot. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP
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Met Gala 2023. Nicole Kidman i Keith Urban
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute.
Wszystkie komentarze
met gala to taki bal maskowy - hołd dla twórców kostiumów scenicznych i filmowych.
Aktorzy i "celebryci" płacą kilkadziesiąt tysięcy dolarów za wstęp, a zysk idzie na jakiś charytatywny cel. Nie ma się co spinać, niech i bogaci się pobawią :)
Zysk idzie na Metropolitan Museum. Ta gala od zawsze jest synonimem luksusu i mody ale zawsze trzymała poziom. Nie zapraszano tam byle kogo. A dzisiaj są tam wszystkie Kardashianki i CardiB. Obowiązkowo półnago. To z tych bardziej znanych celebrytów. Mam wrażenie, że prawdziwe gwiazdy zaczynają odpuszczać Met. Z wyjątkiem oczywiście kompletnych attention whores jak Jared Leto i J. Lo. Gwiazdy jak Nicole Kidman i Marion Cotillard przeszły prawie niezauważone mimo przepięknych kreacji.
Strój kota śmieszny, reszta kreacji nudna.
Leto w stroju kota to będzie... kotleto?